When I tell someone I’m a writer, and they then find out I
have three kids under the age of 12, they often ask: “Where do you find the
time to write??” usually accompanied by an expression that says, “Are you
nuts?” :-)
Sometimes, yes, I think I am. But I love what I do, and I’ve
learned that when you love something, you make time for it.
I make time for my family. I make time for my friends. I
make time to fix up my fixer-upper house. I make time to run. Writing is
another thing I make time for—not just because I love it, but because it’s my
career. And because it’s my career, I sometimes have to make less time for
fixing up my house, or maybe I don’t go out to dinner with a friend, or maybe I
skip a run.
Figuring out how to balance all areas of your life is
something you deal with even if you’re not a writer. When you’re a writer, you
just kind of…add that in.
How to use my time wisely and effectively is always on my
mind. I read a great interview with author Kate Forsyth recently. I liked
everything she said, and she gave me some great ideas. For example, she sets aside one day a week to take care of the "business" side of writing. Emails, mailings, blog post scheduling, etc. She also has set times for being on social media every day, so she doesn't find herself trolling for hours.
When I asked writers on Twitter how they view making time to
write, @TheRapture said to wake up early or go to bed late. “It’s like working
a muscle.” I like that. It’s very true. The more you do it, the more consistent
you’ll be at it. It becomes a part of your routine.
@NicoleKLarson said something similar to what Kate Forsyth
says: “Don’t beat yourself up if you miss a day.” She also added, “Stay in the
story.” I do this by thinking about my characters even if I can’t actually be
writing. I plan out their next scene, or re-imagine their last one.
If I really think about it, having kids isn’t a hindrance to
my writing at all. They are what inspire me to focus. They’ve taught me how to
multitask. They also keep me going and make me really decide what is important
and what isn’t important.
How do you find time to write? What’s your advice to
aspiring writers who have a book to write but feel they have very little time
to spare?
Hi Page. I've had almost the same experiences when I tell people that I am an author. I'm working on my PhD in Education, own a publishing house and have taught in the past all at the same time as writing. Life can be kind of hectic. But I live to write. Writing keeps me sane.
ReplyDeleteYes, completely agree--writing is my relaxation :-)